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The Customer Journey - Anatomy of a Purchase

Learn how businesses and consumers make both simple and complex buying decisions

Google 'why do people buy things?’ and you’ll discover hundreds of results examining the rational and emotional elements that go into making a purchasing decision. Google 'how do people buy things?’ or 'how do organisations buy things?' and you'll find hundreds of results telling you yet again why people buy things. Doh!

The Customer Journey Model answers the 'how' question by explaining the sequence of actions and decisions taken by individuals and organisations that lead to a purchase.

The Customer Journey Model is NOT the same as the 'Marketing Funnel'. The Model is a chain of distinct, linear stages that lays the foundation for Customer Journey Mapping. Journey Mapping examines the possible interactions, or ‘touch points’ with a product, brand or organisation at each stage of the journey. At any one stage there may be numerous interactions through the same or different channels, or none at all.

The Customer Journey Model adjusts to diverse purchases or customer personas. There are cheap, quick, low-risk decisions – like buying nail-varnish or an office chair; there are expensive, complex, lengthy decisions - like choosing a new home or corporate computer system - and everything in between.

So, the Customer Journey Model is not fixed and inflexible. Rather, it’s a template that marketers adapt to their own circumstances.
The Customer Journey - You're smarter than you think!

These Customer Journey examples follow fictitious but plausible, consumer and business buying decisions...

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