THE KESTREL GROUP (An imaginary example)
Founded in 2005, the Group owns a chain of health and fitness clubs, located mainly in town and city centres. After a decade of steady expansion, the group relies on individual club membership fees for the bulk of its income.
The new CEO realises that the large membership roll offers the group an opportunity to diversify its revenue stream by selling health and fitness related products and services to club members and non-members.
Over the years the company website has developed piecemeal and only provides members and prospective members with information about club facilities, classes, locations, opening times, fees etc.
Recognising that a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is needed to realise his ambitions, the CEO appoints a management committee drawn from marketing, IT and operations to investigate the possibilities and report back, starting with e-commerce.
Follow the Management Committee on their CUSTOMER JOURNEY. After the video consider how a could boost your sales and marketing endeavors.
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